
Grounding spells or rituals are types of magic that are performed to promote stability, focus, and a sense of connection with the physical world. The purpose of these spells is to support the practitioner in feeling centered, balanced, and rooted in the present moment.

In these spells, various correspondences are used to support the intention and provide added energy to the spell caster. Some commonly used items in grounding spells include:

  • Crystals: Crystals associated with grounding, such as black tourmaline, hematite, and obsidian, are often used to provide a physical representation of the desired grounding effect.
  • Deities: Some practitioners may invoke the assistance of deities associated with stability and grounding, such as Gaia, Geb, or Demeter.
  • Herbs: Herbs such as sage, cedar, and lavender are commonly used for their properties of grounding energy and promoting calmness.
  • Tools: Tools such as candles, incense, or essential oils may be used to create a peaceful and grounding atmosphere.
  • Other items: Some practitioners may also use visualization, meditation, or physical grounding exercises such as walking barefoot in nature, to connect with the earth and promote grounding.

It's important to note that these correspondences are not universally accepted and may vary among different practitioners. Additionally, grounding spells should be performed with the understanding that feeling grounded is often the result of a combination of factors, including physical exercise, mindfulness, and connection with nature.