Bastet, also known as Bast, is the ancient Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, childbirth, and protection. Often depicted as a lioness or as a woman with the head of a lioness or domestic cat, she embodies the dual aspects of nurturing and fierce protection.
Originating from Egyptian mythology, Bastet was worshipped primarily in the city of Bubastis. Over time, her image evolved from a lioness warrior deity to a domestic cat goddess, reflecting her role in both protection and home life.
Bastet embodies properties of protection, fertility, domesticity, and joy. She represents the nurturing aspects of motherhood and the fierce instinct to protect one's home and loved ones. Invoking her energy can bring comfort, security, and a sense of joy and well-being in the home.
Herbs and plants associated with Bastet include catnip, mint, and vervain. These plants are connected to her feline nature and are often used in rituals to invoke her protective and nurturing energies, as well as to create a harmonious home environment.
Crystals connected to Bastet include tiger’s eye, jasper, and garnet. These stones resonate with her protective and grounding energy, promoting security, strength, and vitality. They are used in rituals to enhance protection, fertility, and to honor her presence.
Bastet’s elemental correspondence is Earth, reflecting her connection to home, fertility, and the physical world. The Earth element emphasizes stability, grounding, and the nurturing aspects of life.
Bastet is linked to the celestial body of the Sun, reflecting her role as a solar goddess. Her energy is particularly potent during the day, especially at dawn and dusk, aligning with her dual nature as both protector and nurturer.
Her zodiac association is Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun and associated with both leadership and warmth. Leo’s qualities of courage, protection, and loyalty align with Bastet’s nature as a guardian of the home and a nurturing mother figure.
The times most auspicious for invoking Bastet include the waxing moon, times of childbirth, and periods of home protection and purification. These times align with her domains of fertility and protection, making them ideal for rituals dedicated to her.
In rituals, tools such as cat figurines, sun symbols, and protective amulets are used to invoke Bastet’s presence. Offerings of milk, honey, and light-hearted gifts like catnip are traditional ways to honor her. Rituals often involve lighting candles, setting up altars with her symbols, and calling upon her energy to protect the home, ensure fertility, and bring joy and harmony to domestic life. Meditating with cats or spending time in the sun can also deepen the connection to her nurturing and protective energies.